Friday, May 18, 2007


of Puss' disappearance. Nothing to celebrate but we're not losing our hope of finding him.

DD is on the island, hope they'll meet.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

You had left us for so long!

Where have you been, Puss? Will you gonna come back to us? It's almost a year, and we miss you to this day.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The New Kid

Nancy came to DD's house a month ago? Or sometime earlier? I've forgot.

She is black with white markings, not pure black as PUSS BLACK.

She is talkative, PUSS BLACK never made a sound.

She follows you everywhere you go, PUSS BLACK decided his own way.

Nancy is a good girl but after almost a year, we still miss PUSS BLACK.